

“But seek ye first, the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” -- Matthew 6:33


Dr. Vivian Stephens-Hicks is a child of God, the wife of Deacon Frankie Hicks, and the mother of one child (Brandon). God called Dr. Hicks to the Gospel Ministry, and she was licensed to preach in December of 2000. She proceeded to serve as an associate minister for the next seventeen years until responding to God’s call to pastoral ministry in 2017. She went on to serve faithfully as pastor at Lily of the Valley Baptist Church in Mattapan, MA. Again, hearing the voice of God, she then responded to God’s call to establish and serve Beyond Boundaries Christian Ministries (BBCM), in 2021.

In addition to her service of the local church as associate minister and pastoral leader, Dr. Hicks has also served as the Dean of the Congress of Christian Education, an auxiliary of the United Baptist Convention of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. Beginning in 2021, she now serves as President of the Congress of Christian Education. Additionally, as a means of giving back to the community in which she lives, Dr. Hicks has served as a volunteer Chaplain Aid in the Pastoral Care Department at the South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, MA.

Along with her devotion to the work of the ministry and dedication to family, Dr. Hicks works full-time as Program Manager of the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Program at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, where she has worked for 30 years. She also has an appointment as Assistant Professor of Medical Education at Tufts; and previously served as an Adjunct Instructor at Rivier University in Nashua, NH. Dr. Hicks believes that training and lifelong learning are important tools for ongoing personal development, thus seeking every learning opportunity that God makes available to her is always a priority. Her educational accomplishments include the following. She obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration at Eastern Nazarene College, a Master of Public Health Degree at Tufts University School of Medicine, a Master of Divinity Degree at Boston University School of Theology, and most recently, she obtained a Doctor of Ministry Degree at Liberty University Rawlings School of Divinity. As a result of her commitment to her studies at Liberty, she was inducted to the Omega Nu Lamda National Honor Society.

Dr. Hicks has been a laborer in God’s Ministry for many years and has worked in several areas of Ministry in general. Serving God is the core of Dr. Hicks’ heart, and she continues to strive daily to be a willing vessel for her Father in Heaven. Despite any of her accomplishments, if anyone should ask her what she would want people to know about her, it would simply be that “She loves the Lord” and is committed to serve.

BBCM Ministry Leaders and Officers

Diaconate Ministry
Deacon Frankie Hicks
Deaconess Cora Stephens

Finance Ministry
Sis. Debra Moon

Prayer Line Ministry
Sis. Lizzie McFadden
Sis. Theresa Silver

Executive Assistant
Sis. Dawn Dubose

Church Mother
Sis. Juanita Siggers


“Where I Need To Be”
“I had been searching…I said if I ever get to where I should be, that’s where I will stay. God brought me where I needed to be, and I joined the church. I try to get people to see that we need to listen to God, but they don’t understand. I tell people that’s the One they should be listening to. That’s who I listen to. When I need something, I keep praying until I find it. And soon, God will bring me where I need to be. I believe God brought me to be a part of Beyond Boundaries Christian Ministries. And I thank God for bringing me to where I need to be. I’ve been happy ever since I’ve been here.”

“I’m Never Alone”
“After recommitting myself as a Christian, I found that my life is more fulfilled, that the loneliness is gone. Always being by myself has changed. Refocusing and recommitting as a Christian, is one of the best things that has happened to me. It has made me get that whole feeling and not feeling isolated all the time. So, I want to thank God for being there. I thank God with all my heart; this is really good for me and has brought a new light to my life.”